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The concept here is to use drones piloted by computer, equipped with cameras, sonar, radar, whatever, to very quickly inspect a plane and the runway before a plane takes off. Similar functions can be applied to landings as well.

This can be one drone for all duties, or probably two or more drones works best.

Inspections can be made for contamination on the runway, and on the plane - such as ice or protective coverings that should have been removed after maintenance/cleaning. Further, possibly, things can be detected such as screws not replaced or not tightened, or just missing or loose parts, and the like.

One or more drones can fly next to / behind the plane to watch performance characteristics and further watch for things coming apart, etc.

All inspection data being transmitted and recorded can allow investigations additional information if something goes wrong.

For both take-offs and landings, drones with fog-cutting lights or other indicators, can guide planes through thick fog as necessary, and also be looking out for contamination or intrusions.

The drones can also be used to provide additional information during emergency landings, and in preparation for one, if the plane can come in low and slow enough for the drone to inspect it.

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