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    Why RSS.
    How RSS.
    List of my feeds.
    List of other feeds.

Why RSS.

The choice for RSS for people to follow is based on the following reasons :

Security : no name, email address, or password used, needed, submitted or stored.

Privacy : nobody is counting the number of subscriptions (here at least, your computer and RSS reader are different). So no concern that subscribing is like voting approval, or helping with popularity. Nobody (here) will know. (I have not heard of or seen any indication that any RSS reader is gathering information.) No computer or person outside of yourself and your computer has information or tracking of your subscription. This is of course unless your RSS reader sends that data somewhere, or you share it. However normally there is no data sent or offered to this server or anything here. If something is sending data, we don't know about it and are not capturing it.

How RSS.

To subscribe to an RSS feed there are a number of possibilities. Some browsers have a built in RSS feed reader.

I have not compared at all, and just quickly grabbed a plug-in for Firefox, since they dropped built in RSS functions in favor of plug-ins. (Like other things.) Seems okay. Feedbro. One minor bug, and annoyingly I don't see where it gives the channel description.

I am also testing Akregator, a program running under Linux (at least). One minor bug, and doesn't see multiple subscriptions available to add, just one at a time. Meaning users need to use different links for each to add. With the Feedbro plug-in it reads the webpage for more information.

Do a search for "best rss feed readers" and look around to find what works best for you. There are plenty of free and pay for services, programs, apps, plug-ins, and browsers with built in rss feed readers.

List of my feeds.

RSS Feed
Page following
 Fejj's place on the internet. http://www.fejj.net/feed/feed.xml http://www.fejj.net
 Fejj's blog. http://www.fejj.net/blog/feed/feed.xml
 Ideas. Just that, a list of ideas.
http://www.fejj.net/ideas/feed/feed.xml http://www.fejj.net/ideas

List of other feeds.

Feeds from friends, businesses, and organizations I am associated with or know of. Or just find interesting. -

None yet.

Feeds for my project are at : www.fej.org/feeds

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