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The concept here is about protecting young children on a societal basis. The visible image however is about helping parents of young children with routine chores around a household with children. Especially single parents. The access to the children is intended to be incidental, not a nanny role necessarily. This is to avoid any perception that interference with the parents' choices is an ulterior motive.

First, by providing practical help, less pressure/stress in whatever "problems" there may be, even if just in the imagination of the parent.

Second, by focusing on a stable home life for the child, the child can prosper better, reducing stress in the parent in this area.

Third, incidental access to the child provides an example of a stable adult in the child's life.

Fourth, incidental access, and circumstantial evidence can provide information that can be used to consult with professionals on how to best help the child. It is important to make clear this help is to not report information through to government agencies. However in severe cases, then this may prove life saving.

I expect it is difficult to use government subsidies, and probably not possible as government agency/project. Because every greedy rich person will demand access to the service. By utilizing volunteers, and a non-government agency it is then people who need help that ask for it or are directed to it, and volunteers can in reasonable time recognize misuse of the service and stop it.

One possible theme to make it a recognizable campaign, is about kid up, ready, breakfast made, and off to school, even if the parent(s) "sleep it off". So the school day someone early at the door idea. Then explain can also help after kid gone (laundry, clean), and come back for after school help. Non-school days are less critical, but can be included of course as the parent(s) and volunteers desire.

Can be connected possibly with other groups, such as Big Brothers / Big Sisters; either in coordination or in cooperation  -  although putting one volunteer in too many roles might not be wise.

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