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Human service stations.

Any country/planet that has implemented this idea/concept, is truly civilized.

This is about in all western countries I know of, there is poverty. Some countries have reduced that to short term poverty, so unplanned life transitions cause situations that then have to be resolved. Many countries, especially the u.s.a., have a significant amount of poverty, that is large in numbers, and in duration. Some people living out their lives on the streets, and possibly occasionally in shelters when they have the patient to stand on a waiting list, if they can qualify.

The human service station helps not only eliminate temporary poverty situations, but also the general population, the economy, tourists, and the like.

The first and main point of the human service station is toilet facilities, available 24 hours a day, every day.

A proper implementation of this would include mean every neighborhood has at least one, and in downtown, tourist, shopping, or other heavy foot traffic areas would be saturated with them, and on about every street is one or more to be found.

Next, is directing to needed help. Whether a tourist who was just robbed, or resident just thrown out of the house, everybody can get quickly directed to the right institution to get the help needed immediately.

Basically, this really needs to have a paid attendant or two available. That is a strong point, but greed will dictate that most implementations will end up being unattended, using automation. That is unfortunate, as one of the services is a human being to talk to and ask for help. Someone who is there for you, not just some image on a screen or a voice coming out of a wall.

Studies have shown a loss in revenues, I think it is 4%, in businesses, because of people having to terminate shopping to leave to go find a restroom.

And speaking of restroom, which is a term in California for toilets, w.c.'s, or whatever you call them; the human service station is also a good place for a real rest room. Possibly with cots, so that people who are tired, or not feeling well have a place inside to sit or lie down until they are better. And for autistic people or other special needs, appropriately accommodated areas.

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