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This idea is to make a simple phone made for the elderly, big buttons, etc., then with a screen and a camera. The camera placement is clear, and has a small monitor. A physical easy to move leaver allows turning the camera on/off, not only electronically, but moving a cover in front of the camera to insure privacy is understood.

No log-in's required, or codes, or anything. Granny picks up the receiver and dials favorite grandchild for example. They answer with their smart phone, one of many apps tied in, or on a computer, and Granny can see them. And then moving the leaver to "on", they can see Granny.

This I consider a worthless idea now. It might have had a chance sometime ago, but whatever market there may have been, has dwindled down to a trickle by now I expect. I'm guessing if a profitable business had been built on this idea, it would have died by about 2015. I think I thought of this in early 2000's, but was not in a position to pursue it.

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