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This is just a place holder name, fejjport. Also note I had used the name fejport previously. Refers to the same idea.

The name is annoying, as this concept must exist somewhere, and has a publicly known name. I just have not run across it.

But I will describe this idea and hope someone will share the name and link for an existing version, if just a described concept. Hopefully with drawings, designs, maybe videos. Who knows, maybe actually tested and even implemented. Successful or not I'd like to know about it.

Until I write up something better ...

This is an old description.


The term fejjport I use to describe a complete land based transportation system meeting very high level standards.

Basically, the system is completely safe, with the exception of severe natural disasters (large earthquake, etc.), and a very remote chance of simultaneous failures of redundant backup safety systems at the time of malfunction. Basically no chance.

This is also the most environmentally viable transportation system, fully automated requiring no driver, and is also very fast (second only to specialized race vehicles in proper circumstances, and air transport).

There are many systems and sub ideas combined into this.

The plan is an underground transportation system, with a common carriage system, and separate vehicles that are moved on and off of the carriages.

Eventually, the system can be door to door, but primarily in the beginning, this is more about a lot of common public entry ways within a short distance from any home or such. And semi-private like on large apartment complexes, office buildings and the like.

The fully automated system is fully computerized, providing a smooth safe ride, completely avoiding the need for safety belts, and having to hold on.

In between cities, the system transitions to an enclosed tube, either above ground like a train track, or elevated. It may be possible to develop an opening system for cross traffic, but this is difficult, and best avoided. It can be done very safely, and with minimal delay, but is expensive.

The advantages of the enclosed tube, is that additional systems for using air pressure to assist the main drive system, eliminates losses due to friction with air, and can possibly provide additional drive power. However the main carriage system, always has enough power to make any required manoeuver.

The tube system is clear see through material, and so any vehicles wishing so, have an outside view on inter-city(/metropolis/whatever) trips.

The carriage system, then is a centrally managed communal system, just like roadways in western Europe, usa, and other places.

The drive mechanism is then probably best a superconductor based track system, which every can best be developed and standardized.

Longer underground paths can also have a pumped air system like for the long distance tubes.

The main tracks are one way normally, and the computer plans appropriate routes. In some cases, two way is possible if needed or is maybe easy enough to also do for faster and more flexibility.

Loading/unloading is normally the vehicles are set to side tracks where they can stop without interrupting the main track, or for shorter residential or low use tracks the vehicles can stop in the track. (This also helps with the two way system so both sides can be accessible while one vehicle is loading/unloading.)

Loading and unloading refers to a sideways moving mechanism to effectively move the vehicle off the track and to a parked space.

From there, people can enter, leave, clean, whatever they want with the vehicle.

The vehicles can be privately owned, public, or maybe best is membership clubs that maintain vehicles of certain specifications/standards.

The vehicles are stored in varying levels of parking areas, and automatically moved around to meet demands. So in low demand, more vehicles are further away, and then some are in intermediate holding areas. As a vehicle is called, it is pulled from the closest location, and the distant vehicles are moved to fill in. As vehicles are freed up, they are moved into intermediate areas first, and as they are full, moved out.

This can be group and individual vehicles.

So a person that owns a private vehicle can have it parked cheaper far away, then just before planned time to leave, it will be moved to a closer intermediate holding area. Then when demanded, is available when called, or as scheduled.

Another possibility is that the vehicle moves off into a private house area. This can seamlessly fit into a living space, with one or more sides that completely open up, as desired. Huge number of possibilities. But basically this means that an office or part of a bedroom can convert to a vehicle, move, and then either be left or continued to be used somewhere else. So a home office, can go to the main office, but be the same furniture, same computer, etc., and the person can simply continue to work while being transported.

The partial bedroom is handy for someone who has a long distance to travel, and can have the vehicle automatically leave while asleep, and continue to sleep while travelling. Then the vehicle docks in another place as desired, such as a partial-services hotel so then a shower and getting dressed is possible.

One cool thing, but has to be tempered with not wasting resources and energy, is in a fully automated in a house, this system provides micro-management of things.

Sit in a chair, order a meal or an exotic beverage, and it is extremely quickly delivered directly to the person while still sitting.

Put a small child in a vehicle, stay in contact with video chat, and the child is safely transported, and without fear, to a required destination.

For businesses/industry, this system means automation from point of sale (on-line) to delivery of product to user at home (...), and requires no human intervention or action.

For general home, this can mean automated refilling of items stocked at home, and automated stocking of new orders. Shopping now means select, and let be delivered to home. For food items and such, what requires refrigeration or freezing, can be staged to waiting areas near home, for places where automation is not far enough to deliver directly into the refrigerator or freezer.

And many other opportunities, for example a relative that likes to prepare meals, can do so for all of the family members as desired, without the need for everyone to have to gather somewhere.

Huge number of details.

For the construction, and transition from the old fashioned, outdated and barbaric car system, there are a multitude of possibilities.

One that seems significant to explain is the new layer build concept.

When I looked around at the streets in one particular bigger city, and was considering the problem of that sometimes artifacts are found underground and the resulting delays and such. Although rare, that may be a consideration. And it is also very expensive to dig up the entire street.

So this concept is to just build a new level of ground. The current ground floor, becomes an expanded entry way into the house from the transportation system, and a new house front door and entry is built a floor higher.

There are also a number of ideas possible for transitioning and the split levels and such. I will post as I can get to it.

Other info.

Ran into an article about Cargo Sous Terrain. An interesting initiative. I'll be posting comments about it someday maybe, but will be following it's progress in the mean time.

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