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This idea is about electric cars, but with replaceable batteries. Using a system working through an opening underneath, or can be on the side, to load and unload batteries in a row. Batteries are moved around inside the vehicle on rails to their destination. The opening is covered with a door that automatically opens and closes, and for underneath is designed to dislodge contamination (mud, sludge, ice) until it can be opened without bringing contamination inside or on anything.

The reload stations could be built at existing gas stations even.

My idea was to use subscriptions to particular companies for batteries. Then at each station the car will be loaded with the batteries from the subscription until those are used up, then as per contracts arranged with the other companies, loading continues with other companies batteries. Since they are all held to standards, you are insured to be able to operate without noticing any difference which companies batteries are loaded.

Each reload station is then recharging batteries and maintaining a more than sufficient supply of charged batteries on hand.

And if the subscriptions are transmitted remotely when getting reloaded, nobody has to leave the vehicle.

An operational or bridge battery providing electronics and the unload/loading mechanism with power, should have been near full when entering hopefully and will be charged inductively, is my initial thoughts. Of course there may be possibilities from moving batteries around in/out of the main stack to provide power while unloading and loading some, and then switching to new batteries for power while switching out the last batteries.

I have a lot of notes about this somewhere, I'll post more when I find them.

My main point here - what is a name of a published, maybe even developed, system like this so I have something to refer to other than fejjelectric cars.

I came up with this idea before Lithium based batteries were available (or I had heard of them), so I had always envisioned this using small single cell lead acid batteries.

I did see a video where this was implemented in a very not automated fashion. An electric pickup truck with a flatbed on back, and standard lead acid batteries would be disconnected removed and replaced, all by hand. Nothing like my automated plans, but still a simple solution to long recharge times.

I think I didn't include above : of course the underground part of the "recharging" station uses rails to move batteries in and out and to charge and storage locations as appropriate. Fully automated. When a station is running low on fully charged batteries combined with predicted charged up batteries, it can signal for a delivery of fully charged batteries.

For "running out of gas", cars would standard have trailer hitches. "Out of gas" means signaling for help in the form of a trailer with batteries is brought and then a cable attaches to the car to provide power to the nearest reload station. The trailer extension can also be used to extend range into areas without reloading stations.

I think I'll find in my notes more, but my thoughts about the inductive charging/supplying the operational/bridge battery, also included many different places so that different car designs can place the receiver at various places in the car. Then the "recharging" stations inductive charger can be moved closer to the vehicle.

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