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The idea here is a text font that is easily readable by people with dyslexia and without, hopefully very readable for both.

I came up with the idea when I got to know a young girl with dyslexia and saw her struggling to read. It might have been shortly after I no longer had contact with her when I came up with the idea, but I don't know when.

I had a large number of thoughts of ways to test and develop something, and lots of wild ideas, resorting to colors if it helps. I was not even thinking font, and that it would be so different I was using the name "Alke Alphabet" (in my head), where Alke is the name of that young girl.

Eventually I saw a web page with a dyslexic font available, and clicked on it. Not only was it very readable for non-dyslexics, but it was a very simple solution.

However I have no contact with any dyslexics to ask how well it works.

In any case since someone is working on it, and maybe has found the best solution already or at least a very good one, I am considering this idea as implemented and needs no further attention from me.

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