This is about sharing information with this site.

Sharing information to this site is simply posting it, and submitting a link at the bottom of the related page. Specifications for formatting will be provided as they are developed, but for now, everything is "free format".

When automatic processing is handling a submitted URL, it will look for the page URL submitted to in the submitted page source. The URL can be a link or text, but a link is preferred. This can also be in an HTML comment, so that it is not visible in the page, but still can be read by the computer. [Later, automatic processing will look for alternative information (other topic URL for example), when the URL of the where the URL was submitted is not located in the document, and use that as will be specified.]

So : to share information to in your page you put a link or just as text

Your page does not have to have the same path and name, but sometimes it may be valuable to hold to that as a sort of standard. That is to say you can share information to in your page if you wish. In such a case it helps to have the URL included in the page, and the link should be submitted at the bottom of

Your page does not have to be on your own website or domain name, but it does have to be publicly readable. That is to say the computer (or anybody) can access the page without having to log in, click on a captcha or anything like that. Servers that delay with a "please wait" message or other things before the content is sent might also be a problem.

Consider also the value of your own website, and your own domain name. Then you can avoid censorship, privacy invasion, authenticity questions, hidden (future) costs, and many other problems. Many sites offer websites that are available free, although free may mean advertisements automatically inserted in your site. If you pay for an internet connection, it is quite possible you have a website (and/or email addresses) included with that at no additional charge.

It is strongly encouraged to publish your information in your most fluent language initially. This encourages you to publish more information, and it is more accurate. You or others can translate it later.