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Penny pinching.

One interesting thing is in a country where the money, Euros, has a 1 cent graduation, and 1 and 2 cent coins. However the small coins are rapidly disappearing from circulation.

Stores are rounding off the cents to 0 or 5 for cash purchases, but not electronic currency, and the prices are very much cent oriented, with very often ending in 9 to create an impression of a lower amount (proceeding digits are smaller).

Although a by item processing produces a lot larger savings, minimally a single purchase can choose between cash and electronic, if the buyer has enough money to have enough for this purchase in both forms.

I've been saving an average of 1.4 cents at the check-out by choosing cash or electronic as appropriate, as compared to always doing it wrong. I would guess an average of 0.7 cents is the actual. I might track as compared to using always cash or always electronic, and then see if maybe there is an advantage to always using one or the other. It is possible, I expect, because the last cent value on items is not a random number. Of course taking advantage of the rounding system only works when you have enough cash money and electronic. A mix might work sometimes.

I have never heard of anyone else doing this. I think everyone else is just too rich here, and could care less.

Of course there is a lot more to be saved, but it does require making multiple purchases. Grouping things together helps, but still it takes a lot of purchases. Basically, everything 0 and 5 in one group and then with one or two other things.

Then everything grouped and paid appropriately. So two items ending in 9 can be purchased together, pay electronic and save the 2 cents. And so on.

One time I actually did multiple purchases. I had 30 cents and hunger. I knew of a product (pudding or something) for 17 cents that I would consider 2 of them a meal for the day. But I could not purchase together because then it would be 34 cents and round to 35. So I purchased separately, 15 cents each. To avoid explaining at the register, I actually walked through the store twice. Of course with the do-it-self purchasing system, that is a different story. (I don't use those, to help with keeping people employed, and other reasons. But in the future for larger purchases I might use such a system to test and see how much I can save. I don't think they work with cash here, so it would be everything electronic by the self-check-out, and by a cashier for everything in cash. Maybe a few. Or something.)

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